Conheça a equipe por trás de meteoblue
Somos profissionais dedicados e apaixonados por fornecer dados meteorológicos e climáticos precisos e abrangentes. Nossa equipe diversificada combina experiência em meteorologia, tecnologia, atendimento ao cliente de alto nível - e diversão! Explore nossos snapshots para saber mais sobre as pessoas que estão fazendo as previsões para todo mundo.

Thomas Eldridge
Meteorological Expert

Noel Walpert
Business Student

Barbara Stroebel
Meteorology Student

Caspar Wenzel
Weather Data Scientist

Quentin Risy
Computer Science Student

Antonia Burger
Climate Data Scientist

Michaela Šatarová
Web Developer

Benjamin Meier
Computer Science Student

Marc Sessler
Marketing Student

Lisa Kurz
Environmental Expert

Jungmin Shin
Climate Expert

Dr. Carlos Salvador
Data Science Student

Nicoletta Addimando
Weather Data Scientist

Michaela Schlögl
Head of Sales and Support

Dr. Karl G. Gutbrod
Chief Strategy Officer

Angela Buck
HR Administrator and Accountant

Alexandra Leneschmidt
Marketing Specialist

Oliver Indra
Meteorology Student

Célia Dominé
Computer Science Student

Dr. Christoph Ramshorn
Chief Cooperation Officer

Dr. Sebastian Schlögl
Head of Climate Services

Michael Bührer
Head of Weather Services

Dr. Mathias Müller
Chief Technical Officer

Gideon Watson
Software Engineer

Philippe Huwyler
System Architect

Thiebaut Fischer
Systems Engineer

Nicola Pierotti
Meteorological Expert

Léo Rocher
Head of IT

Dr. Christine Rempfer
Data Science Student

Nicolas Zurfluh
Meteorology Expert

Nico Bader
Meteorological Expert

Alexandra Reiß
Environmental Student

Dorian Hoffmann
Design & Marketing Expert

Miloslav Tlamicha
Marketing Expert

Titus Villiger
Software Engineer

Edgar Caspar
International Marketing Specialist

Simon Leber
Senior Web Developer

Stefan Bohren
Key Account Manager

Denis Banciu
Business Student

Flower Dan Fluri
Computer Science Student

Joel Kühle
Computer Science Student

Demi Stonjek
Technical Support Specialist

Rodrigo Faria
Key Account Manager

Lisa Philipkowski
Marketing Student

Ihor Puzyrov
Business Student

Sandra Jevremović
International Sales Specialist

Sina Schurban
Business Student

Jan Šimek
Chief Executive Officer