Contact us

meteoblue email address

Our contact email address is: [email protected]

meteoblue email servers are protected with all anti-SPAM procedures and therefore have the highest possible reputation. However, some filters also scan message content or block messages from any unknown address. We can therefore not guarantee reception of our email messages. For support SLA, we advise our customers to send test email messages and confirm reply, to check whether their mailboxes accept or filter our mails.

meteoblue data protection

The meteoblue data protection officer can be reached via email to [email protected].

Telephone and FAX

Phone: +41 (0) 61 551 0600 (09:00 am - 05:00 pm CET resp. CEST from Monday till Friday)

Fax: +41 (0) 61 551 0601

Postal Address

meteoblue AG
PO Box 390
CH-4005 Basel

If you have special requirements, contact us.


To visit us, please make an appointment by contacting us.

Our address:

meteoblue AG
Greifengasse 38 (4th floor)
CH-4058 Basel

You can find directions to our office here:

meteoblueOFFICE2_EN.pdf (96.18 kB)