Website help

This section contains an introduction to our main website features, and detailed information about how to use them.

7-Day Weather

The meteoblue 7-Day Weather page is also our home page. Here you can find the overview of the weather forecast for a specific location for the upcoming week.

14-Day weather

On this page you will see the weather forecast for the given location for the next 2 weeks in the form of a meteogram.

Weather Today

This page serves as a source of detailed information about the weather in real time, on the very day of your inquiry.

Weather Maps

In this section, we describe the functions of the meteoblue Weather Maps. You can find out information about the wide range of different maps, the legend and user interface, and detailed explanations of how the individual maps work and what they represent.


In the forecast section of our website help, we describe comprehensive forecast meteograms such as All-in-one, MultiModel, as well as MultiModel Ensemble or Seasonal Forecast.

Outdoor and Sports

Here you will see the overview of our outdoor- and sport-oriented website functions such as where2go, meteogram Snow, Sea & Surf, Astronomy seeing, or Air Quality & Pollen.


In the Aviation section of the website help, we elaborate on our website features intended for pilots, paragliders, hot-air-ballooners, and other aviators.


meteoblue offers a variety of weather forecast services designed for farmers to optimise their resource planning. In this section, you can find information about our agricultural meteograms.

History & Climate

This section contains diagrams describing the historical weather and climate of any place in the world. Find out about seasonal patterns, climate change and differences between simulation and measurement data with useful visualisations.