Add favourites

To simplify the location search, you can view your last visited locations below the location search bar. Your last visited locations are saved in your meteoblue account when you are logged in or they are stored in our website cookies. You can delete the entire list of your last visited locations by deleting the cookies in your browser.

Registered users can save their favourite locations. This allows you to manage individual locations and find your favourite locations at any time, modify them, and print them as a list.

  1. Choose a location in the location search and click on the star icon next to the location's name, to add it to your favourites. Please make sure that you are logged in.
  2. Your favourite locations appear in a separate list display below the list of the last visited locations. To view the weather for a favourite place, click on the favourite within the list.

Manage your favourites

  1. To manage the favourites navigate to your account (next to the setting icon) under the section: "Favourites".
  2. Adjust individual attributes (altitude, names of the place, etc.) by clicking on the edit button or delete them with the corresponding button. You can create your own locations on your meteoblue account by renaming the coordinates of your favourite locations.

Important: The altitude above sea level (in meters) is important for a correct forecast, especially for the temperature. The altitude is automatically selected by the system, based on average altitude of the grid cell. If this is not accurate, you can correct the altitude in the favourite management.

This favourite can be shared as a link with other users and used for widgets and other direct queries.

Incorrect location information or missing location

If you have any suggestions regarding a location, please contact us: [email protected]

For incorrect information on a location, please send all relevant information and submit the URL of the meteoblue website of the respective location.

If a place is missing in our location search, please send us the following information:

  • Name of the Place
  • Coordinates (latitude, longitude)
  • Altitude (in meters above sea level)
  • Country (ensure data consistency)

Optional information:

  • Postcode
  • Alternative Names (or spellings)
  • Type: populated place, place of interest, mountain, lake, island, etc.
  • Language (of which the spelled name is used)

We will then update the information in our database. Thank you for your support!

meteoblue reserves the right to add or remove places at its own discretion and gratefully acknowledges contributors for their collaboration.

meteoblue uses publicly available as well as various other sources and checks these by various methods in order to provide the best possible location information. However, meteoblue cannot assume guarantees for the completeness and quality of information.