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- Save and manage your own location favourites
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- Subscribe to meteoMail, weather forecast sent to your inbox daily
- Configure meteoTV, meteoblue forecasts on your screens (TV or PC)
- Take a part in writing weather reports
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With point+ , you get access to all diagrams and functions on the meteoblue website:
- Meteogram, Meteogram SNOW, Meteogram AGRO, Meteogram AIR for 6 days
- Soundings, Stueve, Cross-Section, Trajectories
- Weather archive and many other functions
- No advertising
You can subscribe to point+ for 31, 92, 183 or 365 days or get a one-time free 14 day test trial.

history+ Analyse historical weather data and climate change
With history+ you gain immediate access to the vast meteoblue weather simulation archive, for any selected place on Earth, including unlimited downloads and access to interactive interfaces for data analysis.
- hourly historical simulation data since 1940
- 100% complete without gaps
- available for the most common weather variables, such as temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and wind direction
- interactive tools like year comparison, histogram, wind rose and
risk assessment - unlimited downloads for one year, for the selected location(s)
- multiple formats, such as csv and png

climate+ Instant access to climate risk assessment data
climate+ provides climate prediction and risk assessment data, ideal for compliance with EU taxonomy. Access temperature and precipitation data for IPCC's four RCP scenarios (2.6, 4.5, 6.0, 8.5) at any global location, with hourly resolution up to year 2100.
- Climate prediction data until the end of the 21st century
- All RCP scenarios by IPCC included
- Uncertainty assessment
- Global data availability
- Multiple formats available
- Free monthly webinars

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- 12-month subscription
- No automatic renewal

Get daily weather forecasts by email for free. meteoMail is free of charge and can be unsubscribed at any time. With a few clicks:
- Login/Register
- Search and choose the desired location.
- Select which time of the day you want to receive the email.
We do not share your email address with third parties, according to our privacy policy