Find the place with the best weather in the entire area surrounding your selected location for today until up to 5 days ahead, and see the results on a map. The sunshine hours and the precipitation probability are taken into account to assess the weather.
Start by selecting a place in the location search and then click on Outdoor & Sports, where you can select where2go. There you can find options to select the desired forecast time (today, tomorrow...), the forecast interval (morning, afternoon) and the surrounding distance (km).You can also directly choose a location with the location box where you are already on where2go.
The yellow area appearing on the map shows you where you can find the best weather for the time and distance chosen. This product gives a spatial overview of the weather, based on raw weather model data. It may differ from localised forecast that include downscaling methods, for example mLM.
Check out more details with our precise forecast.
where2go checks tens of thousands of points in the surrounding area within milliseconds - free of charge.