- Find out how to use our Weather Maps interface and its wide range of functionalities
- Assess the current weather in real-time with the worlds’ best Satellite & Radar animation
- Watch the smoothest wind animation for any place on Earth
- Enjoy our intuitive design, seamless graphics, and interactive interface
- Explore hundreds of different weather maps with our unique range of variables, models and elevation levels, up to 7 days into the future
- Utilise our advanced settings, enabling customised overlays, model selection, and easy sharing within your networks
Weather data visualisation has always been one of the core competences of meteoblue. Our iconic wind animation map was first launched in 2006, and has shaped the industry standard ever since. We have gradually expanded our weather map portfolio, and now offer more freely available weather maps than any of our competitors.
Navigation & Legend

- On the left-hand side, you can see the meteoblue.com navigation menu, as seen on every page on meteoblue.com (or just the menu icons, if it is collapsed on smaller screens).
- On the right-hand side, you can find the main maps menu, where you can switch between map categories, the maps within the categories, and different variants and elevation levels of the individual maps (when available).
- Near the top right corner, you can find the + and – buttons for zooming, and the > button for collapsing the right-hand side menu.
- On select maps, you can find a vertical colour-bar on the bottom left. This bar explains the colour-coding of the map, as well as the map units, which can be edited where applicable.
- At the bottom of the map, you can see the horizontal time slider. This element shows the time extent of the forecast, the moment currently displayed on the map, and it enables you to slide between different moments in time.
For real-time animations (Satellite, Weather Radar) there is a “Play” button to initiate the animation.
Once the animation is playing, an element on the right-hand side of the bar will indicate the time.
Its background will turn blue once the radar animation is displaying forecast-data.
By clicking on the calendar icon, you can access historical satellite images from 2019 onwards (requires point+ subscription) - The advanced settings can be found in the bottom right corner (see 6 in picture above). Here you can add overlays such as Wind Animation, Sea Level Pressure, Temperature OBS (i.e., observed), or Graticule. You can also use this section to generate a screenshot or a shareable link, view the help pages (i.e., these pages), and check the attributions under copyright information.
- By clicking on any location on the map, you can access further options for location-based information:
- Show meteogram – Opens the Meteogram All-in-One for the requested location
- Start Cross-Section – Allows you to draw a flight track on the map and provides a Cross-Section diagram along this route (requires point+ subscription)
- METAR – To access a comprehensive version of METAR reports, just click on the respective airport on the METAR map
meteoblue Weather Maps
The video below provides a quick overview of some of the key features of our Weather Maps, such as the satellite animation, the radar layer, and other essential features of the map interface.
Our weather maps are aggregated into 9 categories for easy orientation:
Popular maps
Here you will find our all-star selection.
- Satellite
- Wind Animation
- Weather Radar
- Clouds & Precipitation
- Temperature
- Sunshine Hours
- Wind, Wind Gust
- Relative humidity
- Precipitation Probability
- Weather Warnings
Synoptic charts
These are weather maps that summarise the atmospheric conditions and measurements over a wide area.
- Sea Level Pressure
- Pressure & 3h Tendency
- Measured Temperature
- Measured Precipitation
- 500 hPa Height
- 1000-500 hPa Thickness
- Temperature & Height (GPH)
- Jet Stream (250 hPa)
Temperature & Humidity
This category offers the following maps:
- Apparent Temperature
- Freezing Level Height (0°C)
- Surface Inversion
- Temperature Change (Next 24h)
- Wetbulb Potential Temperature
- Equivalent Potential (ThetaE)
- Dew Point Temperature
- Vapor Pressure Deficit
- Evapotranspiration
- FAO Evapotranspiration (ET0)
- Potential Evapotranspiration
- Soil Moisture
- Soil Temperature
All weather variables related to precipitation fall into this category:
- Accumulated Precipitation
- Daily Precipitation
- Hourly Precipitation
- Accumulated Snowfall
- Daily Snowfall
- Hourly Snowfall
- Snow Depth
Aviation & Clouds
This category caters primarily to aviators of all sorts. You can find the following layers here:
- Cloud Cover Total
- Low Clouds
- Medium Clouds and High Clouds
- Cloud Altitude
- Convective Cloud Altitude
- Visibility
- Wind Convergence (10 m)
- Convective Updraft
- Soaring Flight Distance
- Soaring Index
- Boundary Layer Height
- Clear Air Turbulence (CAT)
- In-flight Icing
Sea & Surf
The following weather variables pertain to the sea:
- Wave Height
- Wave Period
- Wave Peak Period
- Ocean Currents
- Sea Water Salinity
- Sea Ice Cover
- Water Surface Temperature
Air Quality & Pollen
This category offers all layers describing the quality of air and its pollution:
- Air Quality (CAQI)
- Desert Dust
- Ozone
- Aerosol Optical Depth
- Particulate Matter
- SO2
- NO2
- CO
- Grass Pollen
- Ragweed Pollen
- Birch Pollen
- Olive Pollen
Seasonal Forecast
This category offers a season-long view of selected weather variables:
- Temperature Anomaly (2 m)
- Temperature Anomaly (850 mb)
- Precipitation Anomaly
- Snow Depth Anomaly
- Evapotranspiration Anomaly
- Sea Level Pressure Anomaly
- Wind Speed Anomaly
- SST Anomaly (El Niño)
More Maps
The last category captures all remaining weather maps:
- CAPE & Lifted Index
- Convective Inhibition (CIN)
- Lifted Index
- Storm Helicity (0 – 3 km)
- Solar Radiation (GHI)
- UV Index
- Extreme Forecast
- Hiking Trail Map