Image API

  • Worldwide access to attractive visualisations of climate and weather data in verified meteoblue quality
  • Condensed display for specific use cases such as agriculture, aviation, outdoor & sports and many more
  • Large variety of meteograms, MultiModel displays, seasonal forecasts, Cross-Sections, risk assessments and other visualisations
  • Easy assessment of climate change and risk with comprehensive diagrams
  • All displays are customizable and constantly updated with current weather information

The Image API provides comprehensive visualisations for complex use cases and is available for every point on Earth.

Specific displays of climate diagrams and climate change scenarios are available as well as forecast meteograms tailored to the particular needs of the user.

Forecast Images

The following images display the meteoblue weather forecasts. You can select from a wide range of meteograms, multimodel forecasts, pictoprints and professional air diagrams. All Forecast Images are available through the meteoblue Image API.

General Meteograms

The following meteograms display forecast images for general purposes.

Meteogram 5-Day

The Meteogram 5-Day shows a forecast for 5 days in 3 different diagrams (temperature, precipitation & clouds and wind charts) for the selected location.

Meteogram 7-Day

The Meteogram 7-Day shows a forecast for 7 days in 4 different diagrams (temperature, precipitation, clouds and wind charts) for the selected location.

Meteogram All-in-One

The meteogram All-in-One shows the weather forecast for the next 6 days in one simple diagram featuring weather pictograms, a temperature curve, precipitation amount and type, cloud development and wind speed and direction in hourly time steps for the selected location.

Meteogram Snow

The Meteogram Snow shows the development of temperature at various altitudes, precipitation (blue for rain and light grey for snow), snow melt and snow height (third diagram), corresponding to a grid cell of the selected model, without local adaptations to a specific location.

Agronomical Meteograms

The following meteograms display the weather forecasts for agronomical purposes. They display a wide range of agronomical variables and support weather dependent decisions such as suitable times for sowing, spraying and harvesting.

Meteogram Agro

The Meteogram Agro shows the development of the weather with diagrams of air temperature, wind velocity and direction on the ground, as well as precipitation, clouds, spraying windows and evaporation, corresponding to a grid cell of the selected model, without adaptations to a specific location.

Meteogram Agro Sowing

The Meteogram Agro Sowing shows the development of the soil temperature and precipitation up to 7 days ahead. Additionally it includes sowing windows for maize, wheat, barley, rapeseed, potato and sugar beets. The sowing window is separated into three categories: suitable (green), less suitable (yellow) and unsuitable (red) periods for application in hourly intervals.

Meteogram Agro Spraying

The Meteogram Agro Spraying shows the development of the temperature and precipitation for up to 7 days. Additionally it includes the spraying window. The spraying window helps identifying suitable periods for applying crop protection measures, by showing suitable (green), less suitable (yellow) and unsuitable (red) periods for application. The conditions are calculated from wind, precipitation, temperature and humidity.

Meteogram Soil Trafficability

The Meteogram Soil Trafficability shows the capacity of the soil to support moving vehicles based on the development of water content in the topsoil (0-10cm). The development of Soil Trafficability is represented in a line graph (black) that moves though 3 trafficability conditions, good trafficability (green), restricted trafficability (yellow) and no trafficability (red).

The soil trafficability development is calculated for four types of soil: Sand, Silty Loam, Silt and Clay, each of which has a different water holding capacity and reacts differently to weather conditions. The calculation uses information of precipitation amount, sunshine hours, soil-specific water holding capacity and more.

Aviational Meteograms

The following meteograms display the weather forecasts for aviational purposes. They provide information about the atmosphere, such as temperature, clouds and wind at different heights.

Meteogram Air

The Meteogram Air shows the weather development in the atmosphere, from ground to around 5500 meters elevation (pressure levels 1020 to 500 hPa respectively) simulating the air layers above the selected location. The forecasts are shown for 3 to 6 days ahead.

Sounding Diagram

The Sounding Diagram shows the weather development in the atmosphere, from the ground to the stratosphere (pressure levels 1013 to 100 hPa), simulating the measurements of a sounding balloon.

Stueve Diagram

The Stueve Diagram allows you to know a lot about the air conditions within only one diagram.


Meteogram Thermal Forecast

The Meteogram Thermal Forecast contains atmospheric data for forecasting flight conditions for paragliding, soaring and ballooning.

It includes detailed information about surface conditions, stability indices, lapse rate, humidity, clouds and wind. The forecasts are shown for the next 3 days.


The meteoblue Cross-Sections show a vertical cut through the atmosphere. The standard Cross-Sections have two directions: North-South and West-East.

The selected place is in the centre of the display (black line). The Cross-Sections can be customised setting the distance from the center (in "degree"), together with the time of the forecast.

In addition to the default version, the following Cross-Section variants are available for specific use cases:

  • Cross-Section Clouds
  • Cross-Section Temperature
  • Cross-Section Wind
  • Cross-Section Relative Humidity
  • Path Cross-Sections

MultiModel and Ensemble Meteograms

The following meteograms display the weather forecasts calculated by different models or ensemble members of the GFS ensemble forecast.

Meteogram 14-Day

The Meteogram 14-Day shows the weather forecast for the next 14 days, with weather pictograms, a range of maximum, average and minimum temperatures and precipitation amounts, as well as the precipitation probability for each day.

Meteogram MultiModel

The Meteogram MultiModel shows and compares forecasts of various models from meteoblue as well as third party operators, corresponding to a grid cell of the selected model, without local adaptations to a specific location.

The purpose of the MultiModel is not to make local predictions for the selected place, but to show the possible divergence of the evolutions of the weather, through the presentation of different models.

Meteogram MultiModel Ensemble

The Meteogram MultiModel Ensemble shows diagrams for temperature, accumulated precipitation, cloud cover and wind speed and direction. The diagrams display different model data individually, as well as an ensemble mean, differentiating the meteoblue models and high resolution models.

More Meteograms

The following meteograms display the meteoblue weather forecasts focused on specific variables and purposes.

Meteogram Solar Forecast

The meteogram Solar Forecast shows the expected solar power production for the next 6 days. The solar power plant can be specified with setting kWp, slope and orientation.

Meteogram Sea

The meteogram Sea shows marine weather forecasts for locations at sea. It shows detailed information about wind speed and direction, precipitation, wave and swell heights and periods.

Long Term Meteograms

Meteogram Seasonal Anomalies Forecast

The meteogram Seasonal Anomalies Forecast contains all relevant information for trend forecasts of seasonal anomalies for the next 6 months. It displays monthly seasonal forecast anomalies from different models as well as a super-ensemble (SA-ENSEMBLE) created by meteoblue, which is a mean based on over 300 individual forecasts from different forecast centers and is more likely to be true than any single model.

History & Climate Images

The following images display the meteoblue Historical & Climate Images. They include the weather archive, risk assessments and various other historical meteograms. All History & Climate Images are available through the meteoblue Image API.

Weather Archive

The meteogram Weather Archive shows the historical simulated temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed and wind direction for any desired period and location.

Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment diagrams show the probability of a specific, customisable weather event to occur, for any location on earth. The diagrams are available for cold and warm events, precipitation, water capacity, cloud cover, wind speed and wind gust are based on more than 30 years of historical simulation data.

Meteogram Current to Climate

The meteogram Current to Climate compares weather variables of the current season to the 30 year mean climate, for the variables temperature and precipitation.

Climate Observed

The Climate Observed Diagram shows the annual course of temperature, precipitation amount and days, as well as wind measurements from the closest weather station, aggregated on a weekly or monthly basis.

Meteogram Solar Season

The meteogram Solar Season shows the mean monthly solar power production unit over the last 10 years. The solar power plant can be specified with setting kWp, slope and orientation.

Meteogram Climate Wind Rose

The meteogram Climate Wind Rose shows how many hours per year the wind blows from the indicated direction. The data is accumulated from 30 years of historical weather simulation data from the global meteoblue model NEMSGLOBAL, which has a resolution of 30km.

Climate Comparison Diagram

The Climate Comparison Diagram shows the expected weather, compared to the weather of the previous 10 (or more) years. Thereby, you can see how "normal" the current weather is.

Climate Comparison locates the nearest location with a weather station for which a minimum of 10 years of reliable measurements are available. The name of the place where the station is located is indicated in the title, as well as the distance from the selected place.

Most images are available on the meteoblue website for free, while other become available with a subscription to point+ or history+.

For detailed specification, find out more in our technical documentation for the Forecast Images and History & Climate Images.

If you have any questions or need advice, please get in touch. Our expert on the meteoblue Image API will get back to you shortly.

Michaela Schlögl

Head of Sales & Support


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