Site Search

  • Optimise your site selection and site assessment
  • Compare different locations with solar maps or raw data
  • Hourly time series from 80 years of global weather simulations
  • Horizontal irradiation (GHI) and other variables within high precision tools
  • Numerous variables worldwide to your specific site as a database to your own country

You need raw data for software implementation, additional variables or countrywide database? We offer a wide range of products for solar energy - site search.

Weather APIs

History API > raw-data-climate_one_column_of_three.png

History API Our recommended solution to integrate weather data in your application

The History API delivers raw data as hourly, daily, or monthly time series or TMY (typical meteorological year) since 1940 with a spatial resolution of 30 km for the following variables:

  • Solar radiation
  • PV yield
  • Sunshine
  • Cloud cover
  • Temperature and dew point temperature

Maps API > solar_site_search_lightbox.jpg

Maps API Fully customizable integration of our stunning weather maps

With the Maps API you can get access to innovative weather maps that cover the whole world with a wide range of weather data overlays, including temperature, precipitation, pressure and many more. Furthermore, the Maps plugin offers stunning animations for wind, satellite images and weather radar.

For Solar Energy purposes we recommend the following layers:

Image API > clima-snow-days-edmonton_one_column_of_three.png

Image API Ready to use Weather and Climate diagrams

meteoblue offers thousands of images from different categories, that can easily be integrated. These images can be individually customised as they are available in many languages for any location on Earth.

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Dataset API The big data API for complex analyses of historical weather data

To assure the highest quality level of your required radiation data we can compare satellite observed radiation data with other datasets like ERA5 reanalyses or weather models. The different datasets can be used to assess typical and extreme years and optimise long term yield.


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history+ includes online analysis tools for frequency patterns. Temperature, precipitation and wind frequencies are visualised in a histogram and help to better understand occurance of conditions such as frost or intense precipitation.

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Risk assessment

The risk assessment tool provides an analysis of differentxw events (e.g. frost, drought or heat) over the last 40 years. By comparing different years, you can observe risk levels of specific events over time.


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FTP & E-Mail

All our API products can be transmitted via FTP & E-Mail.

How to order?

For pricing examples, detailed information on the access levels, meteoblue credits, support levels and license conditions please consult our API pricing page.

Request a non-binding quote tailored to your requirements.


Commercial request

meteoblue offers a wide range of products and solutions for commercial use in many different sectors and industries.

Please fill out the fields below in order to send us your request. Our experts will reply within a few business days.

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