Scientific cooperations

  • Get free (or highly discounted) top-precision data for institutional or personal research, as well as for student works and projects
  • Explore historical weather data for climate analysis, weather forecasts and visualisations, covering numerous weather variables
  • Browse through a wide collection of past scientific cooperation results based on our weather and climate data
  • Explore 80 years of historical data for weather and climate analyses
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Apply for our university program now

Our start as a company was ignited and fuelled by scientific work at the University of Basel, Switzerland. With our beginnings in mind, we have been supporting and empowering hundreds of students around the globe in conducting and completing their scientific work.


Free as part of our university program

history+ locations > history+locations_prev.jpg

history+ locations Analyse historical weather data and climate change

This unique tool for risk assessment and year comparison brings site assessment to a new level. It is available as cheap entry offer through our website or as a business service (with high volume discounts) on request.

It is included in our university program free of charge and available through our website.

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One time history Get time series for any weather variables from 1940 up to today

We can provide a wide range of weather variables and datasets like weather models, satellite and radar observations or reanalysis as a one-time service based on Dataset API (which is for recurring requests).

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Forecast & History APIs Our recommended solution to integrate weather data in your application

meteoblue offers numerous weather variables which are available as grouped forecast packages and through the History API. There are different variables for specific use cases like agriculture, renewable energy and many others. The variables are available for different historical and forecasting time-ranges in the CSV and JSON formats, and the API can be easily integrated into your system.

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Discounted for research projects

For more sophisticated studies some of our business solutions are highly interesting and we offer them with high discounts for research purposes.

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meteoblue weather API

Our weather API interface allows on-demand access, using HTTP queries, to a wide range of weather raw data and visualisations.

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Meteo & climate services > meteo-climate-services.png

Meteo & climate services Understand the complexity of weather data and how to manage them

We offer customised services for advanced use cases like city climate monitoring, climate change assessment and different types of historical weather data. Furthermore site specific forecasts can be trained to measurements from your weather station or renewable energy system.

Related topics

See our contributions to international research projects

Browse a selection of research papers which resulted from scientific cooperations


Research cooperation

meteoblue supports the development of scientific projects in collaboration with students and academics from all over the world with scientific best practices.

Please fill out the fields below in order to apply for our university program. Our experts will reply within a few business days.

Free weather API
Historical time series


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Commercial request

meteoblue offers a wide range of products and solutions for commercial use in many different sectors and industries.

Please fill out the fields below in order to send us your request. Our experts will reply within a few business days.

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