Meteo & Climate Services

Protect your business activities with scientific assessments of a changing climate

Meteorological expertise

Available Worldwide

Unique data range

Decision support tools

Climate Risk Assessment

Smart City solutions

Smart City Service

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City climate Climate change monitoring for smart cities

The meteoblue City Climate Monitoring system enables cities within less than a year to develop an affordable infrastructure to precisely measure, forecast and model their city climate, to serve as basis for their population, their decision makers, or planners.

Climate change - Assess the potential risks of climate scenarios

Climate Risk Assessment

Understand the arising risks of climate change and ensure compliance with EU requirements

Climate Data & Visuals

Analyse the potential risks of climate change for specific regions or locations

Climate Diagrams

The effects of climate change displayed as comprehensible diagrams


Instantly access climate data and visualisations

meteoblue provides a reliable basis of information and data for helping cities and companies to better prepare for the ongoing challenges arising from climate change. The high-resolution maps below show a comparison of the yearly number of tropical nights (daily minimum temperature above 20 degrees) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, between the reference period (1991 - 2020) and the period of 2045 - 2074, based on the RCP8.5 emission scenario.

As the number of tropical nights is a good indicator for heat-related mortality in cities, high-resolution climate data are essential since they equip decision-makers and city planners with the insights needed to develop effective, data-driven adaptation measures.

Frankfurt Number of Tropical nights: RCP 8.5 reference (left), 2045-2074 (right)

Weather APIs - High speed access to the world's largest weather database

History API

Our recommended solution for integrating historical weather data into your application

Image API

Ready to use weather and climate diagrams

Maps API

Fully customisable integration of our stunning weather maps

Dataset API

The big data API for complex analyses of historical weather data

Find out more about further API features, service levels and more

Site specific weather forecast (MOS/mLM)

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Weather station mLM Site specific forecast learning based on your measurements

Based on the measurements of the last months, our proprietary artificial intelligence finds the best model combination for each weather station, adapted to the microclimatic situation and according to the actual weather conditions.

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Renewable Energy MOS > simulation-quality_one_column_of_three.jpg

Renewable Energy MOS Plant specific forecast trained on your measurements

MOS (Model output statistics) is the technique of post-processing the output from numerical weather forecast models using statistics of local historical weather measurements. The MOS service substantially improves the accuracy of the forecast data for temperature, radiation, wind speed and renewable power generation (other variables can be specified on request). Microclimatic of site specific conditions like seasonal fog, shading or spectral sensitivity are accurately forecasted when PV MOS was implemented.

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Real time monitoring

Virtual Weather Stations (vWS) > virtual_weather_stations.png

Virtual Weather Stations (vWS) Highest accuracy from 1940 up to 14 days ahead

A virtual weather station provides the most accurate weather data for any location worldwide on an hourly basis without any delay. It therefore combines multiple data sources in real time with latest post-processing technologies.

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Solar Nowcasting Real-time monitoring of smart homes and solar energy systems

Benchmark the performance of your measurement data or solar system comparing it to the satellite or other observational data of the last days or months.

Individual solutions

Not found what you are looking for? Ask for tailored solutions to your specific requirements

If you have any questions or need advice, please get in touch. Our expert on our meteorological and climate services will get back to you shortly.

Sebastian Schlögl

Head of Climate Services


Commercial request

meteoblue offers a wide range of products and solutions for commercial use in many different sectors and industries.

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